China Uncensored
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The uncensored truth about the Chinese Communist Party's secret plan to take over the world. Just kidding. Sort of
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December 29, 2021
Friend of the show Denise Ho arrested

I’m starting to lose track of how many people we’ve interviewed who have been arrested. The latest one is Cantopop singer and Hong Kong activist Denise Ho. She was arrested in Hong Kong today on charges of sedition, related to formerly being on the board of directors of Stand News, a pro-democracy HK media outlet.

Stand News has now suspended operations after several former directors, editors, and staff were arrested and their office was raided. Very similar to what happened to the pro-democracy Apple Daily months ago.

We met Denise in May 2019 at the Oslo Freedom Forum, where she made a speech about what was happening in Hong Kong and performed a song. This was before the big protests that summer. In our interview with Denise, she mentioned that there would be an anti-extradition law protest soon, and that she hoped people would show up. A million people did.

After our interview, Denise started calling Chris “the funny man.” When I saw her later at the forum and told her how inspiring her ...

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