China Uncensored
News • Politics
The uncensored truth about the Chinese Communist Party's secret plan to take over the world. Just kidding. Sort of
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I Just Won Silver in a Martial Arts Competition!

I don't have a chance to talk about it a lot, but I love Chinese culture and I've been practicing traditional Chinese martial arts for over 10 years. I just won silver in a martial arts competition for a stick form, so I thought I'd share the video with you.

I also want to give a shoutout to my friend Byron Jacobs who has done A TON to promote Chinese martial arts and gave me some pointers before the competition. He's got a great YouTube channel which I recommend you check out and an absolutely excellent book on Xing Yi Quan that I also recommend you pick up!


China’s Students and Graduates Are Desperate

Why get a decent job when you can turn to a life of crime?

A Tiananmen Protester Has Become the CCP's Spy

I actually feel kind of bad for this spy.

January 11, 2022
Ask Chris Your Questions Here

As one of the perks for being a supporter here on Locals, Chris will answer your questions at the end of an episode. Ask them here!

September 24, 2024

China makes headlines for cuts in interest rates, but disappears a top economist who previously criticized its economic policies in private. The main surprise is the CCP manages to hang on despite locking away those who have helpful advice.

September 20, 2024

I wasgoing to reply to someone on your latest youtube video an the "This video is private" notice showed up. Just to let you know.

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