China Uncensored
News • Politics
The uncensored truth about the Chinese Communist Party's secret plan to take over the world. Just kidding. Sort of
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Locals vs Patreon

Some of you joining us on locals may be current or former supporters on Patreon.

For clarity, we will continue to post on Patreon. Patreon has its own reward levels, including me answering your questions, the music downloads, etc. Patreon charges you per video we publish (16-18 per month)

Locals is a totally different structure. It only has two levels: Subscriber and Premium Subscriber. All paying subscribers can directly interact with each other, and post content. You can watch all our episodes ad-free. Premium Subscribers can DM me directly. Locals charges you a fixed amount per month. You can subscribe at the $8 level, or any amount above that. (And yes, we'd love that.)

We plan to continue to post here on Locals and also on Patreon.


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Ask Chris Your Questions Here

As one of the perks for being a supporter here on Locals, Chris will answer your questions at the end of an episode. Ask them here!

When the US became a net producer of oil, we became a competitor with the Saudis, and our partnership with them was doomed imho. Forget The Fed Meeting, We Have An Oil Problem On Our Hands

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